Fighting words, continued

Just yesterday, I was commenting on Republicans’ eagerness to brand liberals like Clinton and Feinstein as violent. But it turns out it’s not just Clinton finally calling for Democrats to grow a spine. In the last 24 hours, the country suddenly noticed Eric Holder’s comments at a Georgia rally on Sunday. From CNN:

“It is time for us as Democrats to be as tough as they are, to be as dedicated as they are, to be as committed as they are,” Holder said. “Michelle always says, Michelle Obama, I love her. She and my wife are really tight. Which always scares me and Barack. Michelle always says, ‘When they go low, we go high.’ No. No. When they go low, we kick them.”

It’s about damn time the Democrats start fighting back. But the right is eager to distort Holder’s message, and to invoke “angry black man” racial stereotypes in the process.

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Announcement: APN is almost back

A note from the admin: The new hosting setup is great, but anyone who’s read APN before might notice some posts are still missing. I’m having to not just reload post content, but also conform to the new WordPress layout, fix broken links, add categories and tags… it’s a manual process, which takes a while. I would’ve preferred to have all the content ported over here before the old site shut down, but things got accelerated.

I’m assuming people can live with the temporary loss of some older posts. It’s all getting restored, gradually.

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There’s a coup in White House right now… and it’s not a good one.

This is pretty disgusting: A senior official in the Trump administration just admitted to usurping the will and authority of the President of the United States. This is a literal coup, operating inside the White House right now, by someone who doesn’t want to exercise the 25th Amendment because it might slow down the fulfillment of his libertarian wet dreams.

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This was avoidable.

In April 2016, to try to educate people about the consequences of a Trump victory, the Boston Globe published a fake newspaper front page from the future. The page, dated April 9, 2017, was supposed to depict what could happen if Trump won, and encourage people to turn out against him to avoid that future.

Well, take a hard look at their predictions. It took longer than they expected to reach this point, but for something written in early 2016, it sure looks pretty prophetic:

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Are kneeling football players a bigger crisis than Puerto Rico?

If Twitter is how Trump comments on issues important to him, does that mean he just doesn’t care about Puerto Ricans?

It’s not like he doesn’t tweet about hurricanes. He tweeted amply about hurricanes Harvey and Irma, and the government’s responses in Florida and Texas. Puerto Rico is in crisis right now. So why is the President of the United States paying more attention to the NFL than the crisis in Puerto Rico?

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