Trump’s attorney has flipped. Who’s next?

Remember that, while it isn’t strictly necessary, corruption and cronyism occur very commonly in fascist regimes. Fascists don’t just punish their enemies, they also love to reward their allies. And they need allies. You can’t make it to becoming supreme leader of a country all by yourself. No fascist is an island.

That means there are people out there for Mueller to flip. And when Mueller flips the President’s personal lawyer, that’s big news. Especially since Cohen pleaded guilty to committing crimes at the direction of Donald Trump, specifically to influence the election.

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What’s all that about obeying the law, now?

I thought the problem with “illegal immigration” was that these troublemaking immigrants just don’t obey laws. If only they’d get in the right lines, fill out the right forms, they could stay! It’s the integrity of the law that’s at issue here!

Then why is the United States Attorney General trying to ignore court orders and forcibly deport asylum seekers before their court dates?

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You know what we call Nazi enablers? Nazis.

I’ve seen this go around lately:

Historians have a word for Germans who joined the Nazi party, not because they hated Jews, but out of a hope for restored patriotism, or a sense of economic anxiety, or a hope to preserve their religious values, or dislike of their opponents, or raw political opportunism, or convenience, or ignorance, or greed.

That word is “Nazi.” Nobody cares about their motives anymore.

George Takei shared it. It’s a quote by Julius Goat from his reaction (in January 2017) to Trump’s impending inauguration.

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Learn to spot fascism with this one simple rules violation

Fascism creeps, slowly. It doesn’t just start with people being led into gas chambers, that’s the end state. It starts with little things, small ways to gradually erode democratic principles. If you spot fascism here, you have a chance of killing it in the cradle. By the time you have mass concentration camps it’s too late.

So, allow me to make a big deal out of Trump violating a rule prohibiting early disclosure of employment data.

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