Is Trump a white nationalist? Don’t help him avoid the question.

Following up on Trump’s declaration that he is a “nationalist”, many are noticing that (especially coupled with Trump’s acknowledgement that he’s “not supposed to use that word”) Trump was, deliberately or otherwise, invoking white nationalism.

It’s been noticed enough that CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta actually asked Trump if he meant to invoke white nationalism. Politico’s coverage of the Acosta-Trump exchange suggested in the headline (“Trump: I’m a nationalist, but not a white nationalist“) that Trump affirmatively denied being a white nationalist.

But Trump did no such thing. So why act like he did?

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Democrats and the politics of self-destruction

With Trump in the White House and Republicans controlling Congress, and America still trapped in a two-party system, Democrats are inherently the party of resistance now. There is, of course, one cardinal rule that Democrats must follow to fulfill this role.

Democrats must resist.

Frustratingly, Democrats are practically falling all over themselves to fail at this one simple task, and it’s probably going to doom us all.

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Trump’s attorney has flipped. Who’s next?

Remember that, while it isn’t strictly necessary, corruption and cronyism occur very commonly in fascist regimes. Fascists don’t just punish their enemies, they also love to reward their allies. And they need allies. You can’t make it to becoming supreme leader of a country all by yourself. No fascist is an island.

That means there are people out there for Mueller to flip. And when Mueller flips the President’s personal lawyer, that’s big news. Especially since Cohen pleaded guilty to committing crimes at the direction of Donald Trump, specifically to influence the election.

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Learn to spot fascism with this one simple rules violation

Fascism creeps, slowly. It doesn’t just start with people being led into gas chambers, that’s the end state. It starts with little things, small ways to gradually erode democratic principles. If you spot fascism here, you have a chance of killing it in the cradle. By the time you have mass concentration camps it’s too late.

So, allow me to make a big deal out of Trump violating a rule prohibiting early disclosure of employment data.

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The NFL’s new national anthem policy? Yep, it’s fascism.

So, the NFL’s owners have collectively adopted a new policy affecting football players during the national anthem. The policy doesn’t directly apply to players, but it does fine a team if any players on that team kneel or otherwise protest during the the national anthem.

This is fascism.

Yes, I know the NFL is a private company (actually it’s 32 different companies, with the league itself as a 33rd). And I know that the First Amendment doesn’t apply to employers, not normally anyway.

However, this is not normal.

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What do Haiti and Africa have in common that makes Trump hate them both?

This may seem like an obvious statement, but of the core tenets of white supremacy is the degrading of other races.

On a totally unrelated note, the President of the United States responded to a bipartisan senate immigration proposal by asking the senators, “Why do we want all these people from ‘shithole countries’ coming here?” The article notes that Trump was specifically talking about Haitians and Africans. I wonder what those people have in common that he objects to.

Why are there still people that believe Donald Trump is not a racist? Or do all the people saying he’s not a racist just … not believe it themselves?

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