U.S. born citizens are citizens. At least, they’re supposed to be.

It’s finally come to this: The United States government is denying passports to U.S. citizens with official birth certificates. The supposed justification is birth certificate fraud (just like how non-existent “voter fraud” is the justification for the GOP’s constant onslaught of voter suppression laws).

Obviously, I agree with Jennifer Wright of Harper’s Bazaar and her take on this:

Taking away people’s passports and citizenship is a precursor to genocide.

It’s what happened to Jews in Germany in 1938 when their passports were declared invalid. That is what is beginning to happen here, now, to Hispanic citizens along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Oh, is it bad to compare the GOP to Nazis? Well, if members of the GOP do not like being compared to Nazis, they should consider not behaving exactly like Nazis.

I advocate reading the entire piece, and then calling your Senators and yelling at them to fix this (especially if they are Republicans).

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