We’re here to defend truth, justice, and the American way.


By publishing Always Punch Nazis (APN), APN and its publishers are not, and do not intend to, solicit any imminent or specific physical violence against any individuals exposed as members of the “alt-right”, Klansmen, Neo-Confederates, white supremacists, skinheads, post-2016 Republicans, MAGA hat wearers, or any other individuals, groups, or organizations of fascists that can reasonably or justifiably be labeled Nazis. No financial or other compensation is offered by APN for punching Nazis. APN makes no guarantee that punching Nazis will result in a deep sense of personal or moral satisfaction. Punching Nazis may result in punishments including at least one dollar in fines. Always check local laws before punching Nazis. If you have concerns of any kind about punching Nazis, please consult with a doctor.